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Meet the Members - Hilly

We asked another of our members to tell us a little about herself and prompted her with some questions!

My favourite thing about cohousing, having encouraging and friendly people around while having my own place to withdraw to, and my Manchester based fortress of solitude, which is the allotment site where I have a plot, are connected!

Here I am with a pile of sticks which, if all goes well, is going to be a hugelkulture bed. This is a craze currently sweeping my section of the plot, and should add a permaculture element as well as provide microclimates and a fertile soil for my crops - and it's only possible because of the sharing of ideas, knowledge, skills, and often tools, plants and get-stuck-in help among plotholders. I'm no Bob Flowerdew, I've just learnt to grow some nice things to eat by getting stuck in with a lot of help from fellow plot-holders.

I think it will be the same when we pioneer the first cohousing community in Greater Manchester!

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